20th Century

Shah Maghsoud Sadiq Angha (1916-1980) was a pre-eminent Iranian Sufi Master, poet, and scholar of the Uwaiysi tariqat. He wrote extensively about law, science (particularly physics), and spiritual understanding. Today, he remains one of the greatest masters of Persian Literature, who transformed theories into practice, explained the spiritual mysteries of revelation by rendering them into the language of reason that allowed human beings to claim their highest possible understanding and declare their own importance in this universal and cosmological design of space and time.

Shah Maghsoud devoted time to exploring Eastern and Western philosophies, mathematics, physics, cosmology, numerology, and literature extensively, thus he was well versed and knowledgeable about Eastern and Western philosophies and mysticism, and his library was abundant with books of many philosophers, spiritual masters and scientific inquirers. A polymath, he remains as one of the prominent Sufi philosophers of the Muslim world. His doctrines address the questions of creation, the universe, God, the infinite/finite, ethics and morality, existence (wujud), essence and quiddity (māhiyat), and the relationship of human beings with the greater universe; and, like his predecessors, he employs the most complex and sophisticated language in explaining his doctrines.   

Shah Maghsoud studied spirituality under the guidance of his father, Mir Ghotbeddin Muhammad Angha (d. 1962), a Sufi master of the Uwaiysi tariqah. Shah Maghsoud’s school of the Uwaiysi tariqah was the result of years of teachings, of daily and nightly labor by this great master, as he endeavored over the decades to construct a bridge between spirituality and science, using scientific analysis in his writings to establish and clarify religious understandings. 

His khaniqah, in Sufi Abad, north of Tehran, Iran, remained a gathering place until 1980. With his death in 1980, those magnificent gatherings of peaceful and inspiring togetherness came to an end.  

Shah Maghsoud wrote and published across his life, and his daughter, Dr. Nahid Angha, remains the sole translator and commentator of his works.


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