Ibrahim b. Adham

Ninth Century, Persia

Abu Ishagh Ibrahim- ibn-Adham was an Amir and Caliph of Balkh. It is reported that he had some mystical experiences that led him towards his path, and he became one of the outstanding Uwaiysis. He lived during the time of Imam Muhammad-al-Baqir and was one of his disciples.

Ibrahim spent fourteen years crossing the desert to reach Mecca, as he was spending his time asking for God’s mercy and engaging in praying. Ibrahim stayed in Mecca, where he found many followers. He lived only by his own earning, carrying wood or gardening.

Ibrahim died between the years 160 and 166 in Damascus, and his tomb is near the tomb of Imam Ahmad Hanbal. During the nights of mid-Shaban, people come from around Damascus and stay around his tomb for three days.

Although Ibrahim did not leave writings, his teachings are related through many stories and aphorisms repeated by his students and recorded by historians and scholars of early Sufism.

Teachings of Ibrahim

Ibrahim said: Once I hired a servant. I asked him: What should I call you? He said: Whatever you like. I asked: What do you eat? He said: Whatever you feed me. I asked What kind of clothing do you want? He said: Whatever you clothe me. I asked: What do you want to do? He said: Anything you command, I have no wish, I am at your service. I thought to myself: have you ever worshipped and served God as this man serving you? Learn from him.

It is narrated that someone asked him for advice. Ibrahim said: Remember God and leave the crowd. Someone else asked for advice and he said: Open your closed pocket and give to the poor, and close your open mouth and talk less.

Oh, Allah, ascend me from this depth of misery to the honor of serving You;

On the way towards Allah if you aim for your fame, then you are not honest on the path towards Allah.

Devotion is a truthful intention.

There are characteristics for a knowledgeable person: He thinks often, he praises Allah often, and he sees the power and beauty of the creation.

If you wish to become like great teachers and saints, then do not desire the world and futurity, but only the Divine.


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