Sufi Masters

Salman Farsi

Ninth Century, Persia

It is written that the name of Salman Farsi (d. 658) was Mahuyeh, Behbood, Roozbeh, son of Badakhshan and his title was Salman Mohammadi. His nickname was Abu Abd Allah. He was one of the great devotees of the Prophet.

Ibrahim b. Adham

Ninth Century, Persia

Abu Ishagh Ibrahim- ibn-Adham was an Amir and Caliph of Balkh.

There are different accounts on how Ibrahim Adham took the journey of the heart. It seems he did have some mystical experiences that led him towards his path, and he became one of the outstanding Uwaiysis. He lived during the time of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and was one of his disciples.

Bayazid Bastami

Ninth Century, Persia

Bayazid Bastami, a Persian Sufi of the ninth century, was one of the greatest Sufis of all time. His father was a Zoroastrian and had high position in Bastam (northeastern Persia). Bayazid was among the shatta Sufis, those who are enraptured by Divine love and are annihilated in the Truth. Bayazid said: It takes more than two hundred years until a flower such as I grows in the garden of the universe.

Sheikh Abul Hassan Kharaqani

Eleventh Century, Persia

Sheikh Abul Hassan Kharaqani was among the well-known and well-respected Sufis, a sun in the eternal heavens of the soul, a pole of his time, a king to the spiritual travelers, the owner of the secrets of the inner path. It is said that Bayazid Bastami used to travel to Dehistan cemetery, once a year, and paid homage to those buried. Whenever he passed Kharaqan, he would stop and take a deep breath, saying: I smell a fragrance of a spiritual traveler, his name is Ali, his title is Abul Hassan, he has a family, and he is engaged in gardening and harvesting crops. (Abul Hassan Kharaqani was born over one hundred years after Bayazid Bastami).

Shah Maghsoud Sadiq Angha

Twentieth Century, Iran and United States

Moulana Shah Maghsoud Sadiq Angha, a philosopher, scientist, poet, and one of the great Sufis of the 20th century, was born in Teheran, Iran, on February 4th, 1916. His father, Hazrat Mir Ghotbeddin Mohammad, was also one of the great Sufis and scholars of his generation, and his mother, Khorshid was a descendant of one of the distinguished old Persian families. Shah Maghsoud’s family represented the culmination of centuries of cultivation and intellectual attainment. He is the last of the long lineage descended from Uwaiys-i-Gharan, whose way of spiritual traveling was directly approved by the Prophet Mohammad.

Nahid Angha

Twentieth Century, Iran and United States

Moulana Shah Maghsoud Sadiq Angha, a philosopher, scientist, poet, and one of the great Sufis of the 20th century, was born in Teheran, Iran, on February 4th, 1916. His father, Hazrat Mir Ghotbeddin Mohammad, was also one of the great Sufis and scholars of his generation, and his mother, Khorshid was a descendant of one of the distinguished old Persian families. Shah Maghsoud’s family represented the culmination of centuries of cultivation and intellectual attainment. He is the last of the long lineage descended from Uwaiys-i-Gharan, whose way of spiritual traveling was directly approved by the Prophet Mohammad.

Seyyed Ali Kianfar

Twentieth Century, Iran and United States

Moulana Shah Maghsoud Sadiq Angha, a philosopher, scientist, poet, and one of the great Sufis of the 20th century, was born in Teheran, Iran, on February 4th, 1916. His father, Hazrat Mir Ghotbeddin Mohammad, was also one of the great Sufis and scholars of his generation, and his mother, Khorshid was a descendant of one of the distinguished old Persian families. Shah Maghsoud’s family represented the culmination of centuries of cultivation and intellectual attainment. He is the last of the long lineage descended from Uwaiys-i-Gharan, whose way of spiritual traveling was directly approved by the Prophet Mohammad.


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