
Uwaiysi Tariqat Publications

As-Salat - New Edition
As-Salat (ritual prayers) and Zikr (a meditative practice) aim toward remembering and calling upon the most beautiful names of Allah; since remembering the most beautiful sacred names illuminates the heart and frees a human being from calamities that darken the heart.
Uwaiyse Gharani and His School (Farsi)
Uwaiys-i-Gharan lived during the time of the Prophet Muhammed (swa). Uwaiys did not see the Prophet but nonetheless became one of his outstanding followers and students.
Seeds of Transformation
This magnificent book is a compilation of personal essays written by Sufi practitioners of the Uwaiysi Tariqat. Each author shares his or her unique insights and experiences of finding and embarking upon the Sufi journey of self-understanding.
Practice and Transformation
Sufi Master Shah Nazar Seyyed Dr. Ali Kianfar has offered his wisdom on the Bible and Qur’an, stressing that the Holy Books are a collection of divine messages on unity, purity and holiness.

International Association of Sufism Publications

A Meditation:
Payam-i-dil with Love and Destiny, Microscopic Scientists, The First Wave
Shah Maghsoud Sadiq Angha wrote extensively on law, science (particularly physics), global morality, and spiritual understanding. He transformed theories into practices and explained spiritual mysteries.
Manifestations of Thought:
In this book, Shah Maghsoud suggests that a human being is a concentrated electromagnetic force capable of understanding his own reality through directing his energies toward a center point of reference, where the world of finite and the realm of infinite meet.

Destination Eternity: Az Janin Ta Janan
2022 New Edition

Where do we come from and where do we go? We may understand the complexities of human being only if we appreciate the importance of the stages and universes beyond the ordinary, and their relationships with life on earth.
Lights of Stillness
Inspiration is structured in a series of 40 questions and answers between students and Master. Reflections provide insight into existential challenges confronting modernity – 40 points to renewal and self-discovery.
Illumination of the Names:
Meditation by Sufi Masters on the Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of God
For centuries, Sufi scholars have contributed insights on the Ninety-Nine Names, said by Prophet Muhammad to be most important. From diverse sources this book distills the wisdom of appreciation and commentary on the Names.
Sufi Wisdom:
The Collected Words of Dr. Nahid Angha
A collection of rich quotes, teachings and inspiring sayings, organized into categories including: Nature, Life, Heart, Longing, Love, Peace, Meditation and Transformation, The Journey, and Spiritual Discipline.
The Journey:
Seyr Va Soluk
In this book, Seyedeh Dr. Nahid Angha explains the process of the spiritual journey in an authentic and expressive manner that helps in understanding the stations of light and the stages of the journey of the heart.
The Gift of The Robe:
For many Sufis, Uways-i-Gharan is a symbol of the only manner of receiving knowledge and receiving the meaning of the message of the teaching. This book is a precious treasure of Islamic Gnosticism and an introduction to the way of Uways.
Biographies from the Sufism Symposia 1994-2014 2022 Second Edition
One of IAS’ contributions to historical movements are the Sufism Symposia, where almost every year since 1994 Sufis and spiritual leaders from around the world gathered to create a global spiritual family dedicated to peace.
“In the Universe, the history of the journey from eternity to eternity, the destiny and the mystery of each being, is wrapped within the being itself.”
– Shah Nazar Seyyed Dr. Ali Kianfar


Novato, California
United States



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